Innovation and Collaboration

Innovation and Collaboration

Collaboration for Leverage and Innovation

The goal of building healthy communities requires engaging with a complex, broad and inter-connected landscape of influences – which is why collaboration is often the first key step. 

We focus on making the most of collaborative opportunities when offering organizational time, talent, or treasure in any combination. In FY2018, Vitalyst:

  • Turned a close relationship with Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG) into a multiple stakeholder-driven Social Determinants of Health Conference. The Arizona Partnership for Healthy Communities, The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Vitalyst all partnered to host over 300 attendees who started the day with the question of how to continue reducing Arizona hospital readmission rates, and left the conference with newfound energy to partner in healthy community work outside the typical boundaries of health care – such as housing, food and transportation.
  • Continued its close collaboration with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and statewide fire departments/districts, to further develop and grow Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) and Community Paramedicine practices. In FY2018, the Arizona MIH Network was established to better track and influence systems and policy change, several new fire districts earned “treat and refer” recognition, and Vitalyst staff was recommended to the state Governor’s office for inclusion on the statewide EMS Council.  
  • Combined with the membership of the Arizona Diabetes Coalition to support publication of the first Diabetes Burden Report in eight years, as well as pass legislation requiring bi-annual updates moving forward.
  • Leveraged relationships for 12 non-profits in the Dementia Caregivers Alliance to develop and submit one comprehensive collaborative project for funders to support. The Alliance also completed systems mapping that clarified three key solutions and multiple strategies for collaborative development and investment going forward.
  • Completed our fifth year of Innovation Grants, in partnership with the Arizona Community Foundation, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and the NARBHA Institute. Together the partners funded five Arizona nonprofits for proposed innovations, along with technical assistance and two programmatic grants. For details on the grants, click here and see our FY2018 financials.

This is the work of building health and well-being in Arizona: collaboration for effectiveness in influence, impact, leverage, and innovation.




Photo credit: Scott Griessel/ Creatista

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